Tuesday, August 20, 2013

Tricky Eucalyptus

I went on a few morning runs in San Diego. I don't want to forget this seedling of an idea: as I ran past some rather snarly looking bushes/trees, I was met with the WONDERFUL aroma of eucalyptus. It was probably the most pleasant thing I ever smelled, ever. Better than the best perfume in the world. The paradox of the plant's appearance (maybe pretty in an isolated camera shot, but when the leaves/petals are altogether, it looks disorderly and un-vibrant) and its extraordinary fragrance.

Can we apply this concept to other aspects of life, or to people? Where the pre-judgments based on appearance led us astray from ever knowing (or being able to guess at) the good things they contain and emit? This hints at the (sometimes obnoxious, sometimes delightful) paradoxes of beauty-- how the easy-on-the-eyes type fades, but lesser-seen forms of beauty remain intact through decades, lifetimes. The form that is at first unimpressive is the one that provides, that gives beauty to its environment in an unexpected way.

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