Thursday, December 16, 2010

Goals for next semester

I am almost done administrating 9-weeks' final exams, and with them, a brief, anonymous student evaulation of my teaching. I am anxious to look over the results of what they said. What's their opinion of my classroom environment? Teaching style- pace, energy level, preparation level? How responsive or unresponsive am I to their needs and questions? (I have a bad feeling about that one....I blame it on the fact that public schools must emphasize control of the masses, and thus attention to the individual takes a necessary hit.) Results pending. I'll be sure to post them on this site soon. I'm honestly looking forward to some quality professional relection over the break. I want to give my students more, more of my time, energy, thought, preparatory efforts, innovations in how to bring their achievement levels up.

Here are my major goals for next term, itemized:

- Challenge my HL (high level) learners. This means differentiation. Perhaps I can try a Michelle-styled go-at-your-own-pace portfolio system? As in, "x amount of work is due by x date; get er done." Could I handle allowing that much student autonomy?
- Use my own writing more often in class as model writing. This should be F-U-N! We all know how ego-centric I am about my own writing.
- Find ways to interest the students more. This will probably mean more art-based activities (wow, they did a great job and had high homework returns on teh text features assignment two weeks ago...I [grinningly] saw some talent and work ethic and engagement with the material/content come out of the woodwork that day. They really do like that book, Speak, no matter how teen-drama it is.). Or maybe some physical/movement activites would be good. Whatever the case, my goal is to incorporate non-visual, non-auditory learning styles EVERY DAY. I need to appeal to the bored student more than I have ever before. They comprise my largest failing population on these standardized tests. The time has come for me to cater to them (ewh, that sounds awful) ... or perhaps, attempt to serve them better (yes, I like that verbage much better).
- Raise my teacher-consciousness. I want to be fully present and be taking full advantage of the golden opportunity to get to know these teenagers. It's such a priviledge and a dream come true for me to be in this position. All I want in life is to increase in my desire to teach and serve in a community just like the one I'm in. That's why Mrs. B from Murrah is my super-star hero that I want to emulate.

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