What was the best moment that could serve as proof that everything is going to be alright? And how will you incorporate that discovery into the year ahead?
The best moment that could serve that proof that everything is going to be alright... that reminds me of some Oswald Chambers that I've been reading recently, where he emphasizes that faith based on experience is not the real thing. And that really struck me, because it's easy for me to base my "knowledge" of God's goodness on instances of when He has saved the day in the past. But who's to say that God's not good, simply because He's not doing things in my life that I want? Ultimately, God is still good, whether or not my wishes are being granted.
That being said, I do think God affords us some moments of reassurance, where he is saying, "let go, let Me, just breathe and rest in my love." I find this often in His word, and also in the company of those I love most. I have to be careful with the latter, because I cannot always depend on people to make me feel that everything is going to be alright. The former is the real thing, finding a feeling of reassurance when I'm engulfed in His word. That's not as easy as the company form, but it's eternal and unshakable.
To incorporate this discovery into the year ahead, I will rely more heavily on scripture to get me through even daily life. While I do feel like my life is full to the brim right now with good things, I know that God's word will endure through times when I feel really empty, too. I want to put my full weight on God's word, study it more. Study it with a friend, maybe. Or maybe take up a new form of response to it, like writing a Bible study. Or writing my questions and analyses, for no particular audience. I would not mind returning to a "Three Minutes a Day" kind of writing. I am looking forward to reading Shauna Neiquist's books over this break, hopefully to get me rolling. I can't deny, her books kind of scare me, just because she seems so real. Real can be scary. But real is good. With God's truth, real is ok. (!)
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